Equipping Minds Recommendations
For optimum results, a holistic approach is the most effective. The visual, auditory, and vestibular systems must be receiving and processing the information quickly and accurately. The information then goes to the brain, where working memory is needed to think about the information, use it, and send it to long-term memory. Visualizing letters, numbers, and objects for reading/spelling, math, and comprehension is also crucial. Critical thinking, visual-spatial, and perceptual reasoning also need to be strong.
1. Cognitive Therapy Exercises- one on one using “Equipping Minds Cognitive Development Curriculum.” Cognitive therapy is a fully integrated system of drills and training exercises that are delivered in an intense, one-on-one environment and are designed to attack and rapidly correct weak or underdeveloped cognitive learning skills. It is not designed to tutor or teach students academic subjects; it will develop the underlying skills required to learn effectively. Cognitive skills – auditory processing, visual processing, working and long-term memory, comprehension, logic and reasoning, and attention skills – are fundamental to a person’s ability to receive, process, and retain information. The training program strengthens these skills, allowing the student to learn efficiently. The Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment will be included for those who would benefit. Individual sessions are $30 for 30 minutes/ $45-45 minutes/ $60 for 60. Meeting 5 days a week for 12-16 weeks and 60 hours is recommended. The cost can range from $1,800-$3,600. We do payment plans with no interest. *Some families work with our educational specialists initially and then do the sessions independently with periodic support. The ROSES program is excellent for parents who want to implement it at home.
You should also purchase the following from Amazon: games ( Blink, Set, Stare Jr.2nd), Spot it ( animals and Gone Camping), Color Code, book (Yo Millard Fillmore), unifix linking cubes in red, blue, black, and yellow, green, orange, brown, and white. There are other games listed in the workbook to order later.
2. Neuro-Development Intervention: Primitive Reflex Movement Therapy starts with testing and integrating the Primitive Survival Reflexes. These reflexes help provide the newborn with learning experiences that form a foundation for more complex muscle movements and later cognitive tasks. The reflexes are integrated sequentially from 3-11 months. Lack of integration of these reflexes over the past 6-12 months can interfere with cortical and cerebellum processing and affect learning, movement, and attention. The visual motor system is intimately involved in transitioning from primitive reflexes to cortical cerebellum control of movement patterns. By replicating the stages of development, the neuro-pathways can be opened, allowing for treatment to be successful. Per Sally Goddard, in Reflexes, Learning, and Behavior, “most education and many remedial techniques are aimed at reaching higher centers in the brain. A Neuro-Developmental approach identifies the lowest level of dysfunction and aims therapy at that area. Once problems have been remedied, it attempts to build links from lower to higher centers through specific stimulation techniques. Maintaining Brains Everyday Course should be done daily for 6 weeks.
3. Sound therapy: Sound therapy is a unique listening system that uses new knowledge about the brain. The Sound Therapy program is designed to work synergistically with other treatments, meaning that both methods enhance each other. Based on the discoveries of the ear specialist Dr. Tomatis, the Sound Therapy method developed by Patricia and Rafaele Joudry is now available as a portable self-help program that can be used by anyone, anywhere. Specially recorded programs of highly filtered classical music rehabilitate the ear and stimulate the brain. Sound Therapy stimulates the ear by presenting it with constantly alternating sounds of high and low tones within the complex structure of classical music. Stimulation via sensory pathways re-maps the brain, improving our understanding and processing of sound. The brain, in turn, sends signals back to the ear to improve its function. One theory suggests that this feedback loop enhances the performance of the middle ear muscles and the tiny, hair-like receptor cells in the inner ear. As the ear becomes open and receptive to high-frequency sounds, these are passed on to the brain. Research has shown that brain function is improved through high-frequency sound. There is increased blood flow to specific centers and increased electrical activity. The results observed in Sound Therapy listeners include increased energy, reduced fatigue with improved focus and creativity, reduced need for sleep, and an almost permanent state of peace and relaxation.www.soundtherapyinternational.com $399 for young child/ $499 for older child, $699 for adult, or the family program includes all 3 for $1299. You can order directly from Equipping Minds SHOP.
4. Vestibular Therapy– Dr. Levinson’s pioneering research has revealed an essential piece in understanding Learning Disabilities, ADHD and ADD, Dysgraphia, Anxiety, Dyspraxia, and Phobic, and Mood Disorders. Most importantly, a simple and safe combination of “inner-ear enhancing” medication, meclizine, and nutrients can rapidly and often dramatically improve the above disorders and hundreds of diverse symptoms — all resulting from a previously hidden fine-tuning or signal dysfunction of inner-ear or cerebellar-vestibular (CV) origin. His website is www.dyslexiaonline.com. Many individuals benefit from an anti-motion sickness supplement such as meclizine. We recommend the 12.5 white tablets. You can purchase the Rugby brand from Amazon. Begin with 6 mg in the morning and afternoon and gradually increase. Please discuss the dosage with us. If you are on other medications, discuss this with your doctor.
5. Nutritional Therapy: There is a strong connection between the gut and the brain. We will work with each family to discuss this area and make recommendations. Inflammation in the body causes inflammation in the brain. A gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, and processed food-free diet is optimal. Our wellness coordinator will review your diet and discuss any gastric intestinal dysfunction symptoms, allergies, immune system abnormalities, use of multiple antibiotics, and swelling. We have also found that a functional medicine doctor can benefit many families.
6. Classroom Connection with Equipping Minds Once the underlying cognitive skills are strengthened, the academic skills become easier. Though we do not train specifically in math, English, or other academic subjects, the students are taught to make the connection to those subjects through vocabulary development, visualization of letters for spelling and reading, oral and written expression, reading comprehension, attention skills, study and outlining skills, and visualization of numbers for math facts and math sense. All of these skills are required throughout life. The key to learning fast and efficiently is discovered by improving and automating these skills. The Equipping Minds specialist can support writing and curriculum selection if needed.
Daily Schedule
- Cognitive Exercises 30-60 minutes daily via Zoom with our staff $30- $45- $60 a session. Recommend 60 total hours. Individual sessions are $30 for 30 minutes/ $45-45 minutes/ $60 for 60. Meeting 5 days a week for 12-16 weeks is recommended. The cost can range from $1,800-$3,600. We do payment plans with no interest.
- Maintaining Brains Everyday Online Course Beginner Level 15 minutes a day at home. Purchase from Equipping Minds.
- Sound Therapy 1 hour a day. It can be worn during cognitive exercises, while reading, relaxing, swinging, or while sleeping. Purchase from Equipping Minds.
- Meclizine twice a day if needed. Consult Dr. Brown on dosage recommendations.
- Nutritional Therapy
- Classroom Connection as needed
Thank you,
Dr. Carol Brown