by Carol T. Brown and Joav Merrick

Dr. Carol Brown, founder of Equipping Minds, has authored the book Human Development: Equipping Minds With Cognitive Development.

From “Research studies have examined the relationship between working memory, cognitive skills, and academic abilities. However, while some studies and scientific articles have demonstrated that working memory can be increased through direct intervention in either the clinical or classroom setting, other studies have failed to show any further transfer. These conflicting results are a key concern, as they suggest that generalization effects are elusive and inconclusive. Some research has utilized computer software programs to enhance cognitive skills with a focus on working memory training; however, an alternative approach on working memory is the use of a human mediator. In this book, we present results that demonstrate the idea that working memory training does not seem to have a causative effect in relation to verbal, nonverbal, and academic abilities when using The Equipping Minds Cognitive Development Curriculum for 30 hours of intervention. It removes this limitation for learners with a specific learning disorder. This finding adds to the importance of emphasizing deficient cognitive functions rather than deficient working memory alone.”

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