(A4) Step 34

Step Directions: Alternate saying the direction of the arrow, then if turned 1/4 clockwise, and then 1/2 turn. Use the matching colored linking cubes and turn. Now read the page back. Arrows Cognitive Skills attention working memory visual processing auditory...

(A4) Step 35

Step Directions: Say the direction of the arrow if turned 3/4 clockwise. Use the matching colored linking cube and turn 3/4. Now read the page back. Arrows Cognitive Skills attention working memory visual processing auditory processing spatial...

(A4) Step 36

Step Directions: Alternate saying the correction direction, 1/4 turn, 1/2 turn, 3/4 turn and continue this pattern. Now read the page back and say what is under each cube.  Arrows Cognitive Skills attention working memory visual processing auditory processing spatial...

(A4) Step 37

Step Directions: Alternate saying number, number color.  Arrows Cognitive Skills attention working memory visual processing auditory processing spatial...

Step 38

Step Directions: Alternate saying number, number color, number color direction, number color direction animal. Arrows Cognitive Skills attention working memory visual processing auditory processing spatial...