Step 30

Step Directions: Set Cognitive Skills visual processing working memory attention logic and...

(S) Step 1

Step Directions: Sort by number: two on two Sort by color: red on red. Set Cognitive Skills visual processing working memory attention logic and...

(S) Step 2

Step Directions: Sort by color, number; Add sorting by shape. Set Cognitive Skills visual processing working memory attention logic and...

(S) Step 3

Step Directions: Show a SET with 3 solid cards and explain why it’s a SET. Set Cognitive Skills visual processing working memory attention logic and...

(S) Step 4

Step Directions: Show and Say the 2 solid cards, find 3rd. Student says what they see ( one green solid diamond) and then you will ask what number, what color, what shape is needed. Set Cognitive Skills visual processing working memory attention logic and...