(SA) Step 26

Step Directions: Review and add, ” I see you putting a stinger on the bee and tall grass around the zebra.” Stroop Animals Cognitive Skills working memory attention visual processing long-term...

(SA) Step 27

Step Directions: Review and add, ” I see you putting a waves on the crab ” Draw ALL of the animals on the blank grid. Then read the animals back. Next, alternate and read animal, symbol (“penguin, tree”). Stroop Animals Cognitive Skills working...

(SA) Step 28

Step Directions: Use Set 1. Alternate saying the animal, first letter, and symbol “Penguin, G, circle the bear.” Stroop Animals Cognitive Skills working memory attention visual processing long-term...

(SA) Step 29

Step Directions: Use Set 2. Alternate saying the animal, wrong word, symbol, First letter of real animal” “Penguin, camel, circle the bear, “B.” Stroop Animals Cognitive Skills working memory attention visual processing long-term...

(SA) Step 30

Step Directions: Use Set 2. Alternate saying the animal, wrong word, symbol, First letter of real animal, classification ” “Penguin, camel, circle the bear, “B” classification. Stroop Animals Cognitive Skills working memory attention visual...