My daughter Rose has Down Syndrome and is 11. She seemed to have gotten “stuck” in her learning this last year, at least as evidenced by “MAP” testing at school. These are the tests that they give at the beginning of the year, in December, and at the end of the year. She was shutting down at school more and more and refusing to even try. All of last year Rose’s scores have stayed flat.

Even this fall there was no improvement since the last year. On her IQ testing she always is short in working memory and visual processing skills, falling back to the 5 year old age.

Carol Brown helped us to change that. Carol and her husband develop individualized programs for kids that actually teach skills to improve working memory, visual processing, or other identified areas.

Carol worked with Rose for 12 weeks this past fall. The principal was so excited to call me – they expect the kids to score 3 – 5 points higher from the first test at the beginning of school to the test given in December. Rose scored – 12 to 20 points higher in EACH category tested!! THEY WERE AMAZED and so was I.

Subject Fall Winter
Reading 161 181
Math 171 182
Lang.Usage 158 175
Science Concepts 161 185
General Science 168 184

*Typical gains 3-5 points