Equipping Minds Certification April 14-18, 2025 Register Now


Join us April 14-16 for Level 1 Certification and April 16-18 for Level 2 Certification. There will be 25 in-person seats in Frankfort, KY with Carol Brown and 12 in-person seats in Raleigh, NC. There are an unlimited number of online seats. If you would like to host an in-person group, please contact Carol. 

The Equipping Minds Conference trains educators, parents, therapists, and other specialists in our multi-disciplinary approach, which increases anyone’s capacity to learn.You will be learn the cognitive exercises to increase processing, executive functioning, working memory, attention, social skills, reasoning skills, comprehension, and self-regulation to improve academics and life skills that Dr. Brown developed.

The new Equipping Minds Cards will be used in the conference sessions. If you do not have them yet, it is highly recommended you purchase them now.

Equipping Minds of All Ages and Abilities

This is a crucial time to equip more parents, therapists, and educators in Equipping Minds. You will learn the cognitive exercises to increase processing, executive functioning, working memory, attention, social skills, reasoning skills, comprehension, and self-regulation to improve academics and life skills that Dr. Brown developed. You will be introduced to the theories of neuroplasticity, the role of nutrition, neuro-developmental and primitive reflex therapy, sound therapy, vestibular therapy, vision exercises, trauma-informed practices, and cognitive developmental therapy. You will receive a proven set of exercises in these areas through a hands-on approach. This conference is designed for those who want to implement this program in their school, private practice, learning center, workplace, adult living center, treatment center, church, orphanage, or home.

Helpful for those with Autism Spectrum, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Gifted, Learning Challenges, ADD/ADHD, Traumatic Brain Injury, Memory, Comprehension, Down Syndrome, Processing Disorders, Dementia, Executive Functioning, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Specific Learning Disabilities, and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

You can receive PD and CEU credits as well as certification. The online course is  interactive and engaging. You will receive the 2018 Equipping Minds Cognitive Development Curriculum (teacher workbook) and the student workbook. You will have access to the recordings.

Frankfort , KY    Dr. Brown @ Buck Run Baptist Church, 1950 Leestown Road, Frankfort, KY 40601

Fairfield Inn by Marriott 40 Chenault Road, Frankfort, KY

Raleigh, NC   Darla Jones, host, 249 Wiggins Road, Louisburg NC 27549

*Level 1 Certification in Equipping Minds Cognitive Development Curriculum for those who attend all three days and display competence in the implementation of the program.You will meet with Dr. Brown for your certification assessment. A certificate of attendance will be provided for all participants who attend all sessions for CEU and PD Credits.*Limited scholarships or payment plans are available. Please contact Dr. Brown: Cbrown@equippingminds.com 
  • Course Objectives, Learning Outcomes, and Sessions for Level 1 April 14-16, 2025  9 am- 5 pm EST Level 2 April 16-18, 2025
  • Monday, April 14  9:00am-5pm EDT Level 1
  • 9:00 am Dr. Carol Brown: Research Behind Equipping Minds Holistic Approach to Cognitive Development & School Violence and Primary Prevention Participants will learn that the brain can change, as the latest research on neuroplasticity has proven. Cognitive and educational gains have been proven with this evidence-based curriculum, which everyone can replicate and use. Treating the whole person through a multidisciplinary approach will give the best results.                                                                                                                                                  10:00 am Dr. Carol Brown Equipping Minds Cognitive Development Curriculum Participants will review the key sections of the workbook and how to use each area.
    10:30 am Dr. Carol Brown: Assess & Develop Cognitive Functions Feuerstein defines cognitive functions as “thinking abilities” that can be taught, learned, and developed. Feuerstein has categorized the cognitive functions according to the three major phases of the mental act—namely, input, elaboration, and output. Although artificially separated into three phases, they don’t necessarily occur separately in life. However, the subdivision is useful to analyze and describe thinking as well as determine what factors might negatively affect thinking. This model can be used by therapists.teachers, and parents to better understand and help the child  and adult who is experiencing difficulties with a particular task. Learn how to access your learner’s strengths and challenges. Understand how and when to integrate exercise, nutrition, vision therapy, sound therapy, neurodevelopmental/ movement therapy, vestibular therapy, and cognitive therapy.                                                                                               11:00  Dr. Carol Brown Equipping Minds Sessions Overview for children and adults
    Participants through the first ten sessions of the program and how to implement in the school day, clinic, adult living center. The lesson plans for the 30 hours of intervention in the Equipping Minds research study will also be discussed.                                                                                                        12:00-1:00 Lunch Provided
    2:00-5:00 pm Dr. Carol Brown Improve Processing, Language,& Working Memory
    Participants will learn the foundational exercises for developing language processing, visual processing, auditory processing, and working memory.
  • Tuesday, April 15 9:00am-5pm EDT Level 1
    9:00 am Carol Brown  Accessing and Integrating Primitive Reflexes: Participants will learn seven primitive reflexes, the symptoms associated with each, how to test, and how to integrate. These reflexes help provide the newborn with learning experiences that act as a foundation for more complex muscle movements and later cognitive tasks. The reflexes are integrated into a sequential fashion from 3-11 months. Lack of integration of these reflexes past 6-12 months can interfere with cortical and cerebellum processing and affect learning, movement, and attention.
    9:30 am Dr. Carol Brown: Understanding the Visual, Auditory, and Vestibular System
    Learn the importance of the vestibular system, visual processing, and auditory processing to learning. Learn the exercises to connect these pathways. The work of Dr. Harold Levinson on the vestibular system and treatment with anti-motion sickness supplements will be examined.
    10:30 am Dr. Carol Brown: Exercises for the Brown 6-9 N Back
    Dr. Carol Brown developed an adaptive n-back with nine tasks or the “Brown N Back” in which learners were asked to associated animals with symbols, vowels with sound, symbols, and colors, numbers with symbols and colors, recall images and sequence of US presidents, identify colors, and identify directions of left, right, up, and down. To Brown’s knowledge, there has not been a Six N-back task that utilizes a human mediator requiring the learner to hear auditory instructions, use their hands to write or place a cube while holding a pattern for nine categories, and saying what they are doing.
    12:00 pm Lunch – Provided
    1:00-3:00 pm  N-back exercises continued                                                                                                                                                                   3:00-4:00 Dr. Carol Brown: Intelligent Thinking with Aristotle’s Ten Categories to Develop Comprehension and Critical Thinking Learn the ten categories and how to use Socratic questioning with a picture. Comprehension is the ability to remember and understand what you read. One can “see” the details of a passage, as well as understand the general concepts. The ancient Greeks were the first to grasp the importance of imagery, or, as we may say today, “making a movie in your mind,” when reading or listening. Learn exercises to develop comprehension and critical thinking.                                                                                                                                                                                                          4:00-5:00 pm Executive Functions and Reading
    Carol will discuss the cognitive skills needed for success in reading.
  • Wednesday, April 16 8:00-5 pm EDT Level 1 & Level 2 Combined Day
    9:00  Implementing Equipping Minds in the Classroom                                                                                                                                                                                                10:00  Nutrition and Brain Development for Children and Adults
    You are what you eat, digest, and absorb. But what if one or more parts of that process aren’t functioning properly? And what does the food we eat have to do with how our brain functions? Diet can have a huge impact on one’s ability to learn, process, and store information, and is an integral part of a holistic approach to improved cognitive function. Karen will discuss the implications of diet as it relates to children with special needs.
    10:30-11:00 Dr. David Lindemann: Hope and Healing from Trauma: Integrating the Cognitive and Physiologic Aspects of Growth and Healing Participants will learn how the physical and sensory issues can be addressed simultaneously with cognitive maturation using a combination of verbal and reflexive tools.
    12:00-1:00 Lunch  Provided                                                                                                                                                                                                             1:00 -2:00 Rose Meurer, Addison Page, and Amy Page presentations
    2:00- 4:00 Dr. Carol Brown: Implementing Cognitive Training into your Day. Public, private and homeschools are implementing Equipping Minds in to their daily schedule with learners of all abilities. We will be practicing the different games and exercises to learn how to implement one on one, small group, and in large classrooms. Learn how to integrate into different subject areas. This can be used in numerous settings: adult living centers, workplace, orphanage, learning center, clinic, special needs camp, church, and anywhere learners are struggling with memory and learning.
    4:30-5:00 Rafaele Joundry: Auditory Processing and Language Development Sound Therapy is designed to work synergistically with other treatments, meaning .Based on the discoveries of the ear specialist, Dr. Tomatis, the Sound Therapy method developed by Patricia and Rafaele Joudry is specially recorded programs of highly filtered classical music are used to rehabilitate the ear and stimulate the brain.
  • Thursday, April 17 9:00am-5:00pm EDT Level 2
    8:00- 9:00 Dr. Carol Brown Results of Equipping Minds Research Study and Contributions to Precedent Literature The five peer-reviewed journal articles in the Journal of Alternative Medicine Research will be discussed as well as the book Human Development: Equipping Minds with Cognitive Curriculum. Participants will discuss the results of the research study in detail.
    10:00-12:00 Dr. Carol Brown: Conducting an Evaluation/ Dynamic Assessment Learn how to access your learner’s strengths and challenges. Understand how and when to integrate exercise, nutrition, vision therapy, sound therapy, neurodevelopmental/ movement therapy, vestibular therapy, and cognitive therapy.
    12:00-1:00 Lunch  Provided
    1:00 -2:00 Dr. Carol Brown Writing Recommendations and Understanding Psychological Testing
    Participants will learn how to write up the results of the evaluation from the assessment, intake questionnaire, and learning screening.
    2:00-4:00 Dr. Carol Brown: Advanced Cognitive Exercises
    Participants will learn advanced steps for the exercises as well as additional exercises in the workbook not covered in Level 1.
    4:00-5:00 Dr. Carol Brown: Classroom Connection of Curriculum
    Participants will learn how to use Equipping Minds throughout the school day.
  • Friday, April 18 9:00am-5:00pm EDT Level 2
    9:00-10:00 Dr. Carol Brown Modifications and Questions
    Carol will demonstrate numerous modifications that she has used with learners with more severe neurodevelopmental disorders. There will also be a time for participants to ask questions regarding the implementation of the program.
    10:00-11:00 Dr. Carol Brown Conducting Workshops for Groups Participants will learn how to conduct an eight-week workshop for community/church groups and how to implement in small groups and large classrooms in a public, private, or homeschool coop environment.
    11:00-12:00 Dr. Carol Brown Developing your Learning Center
    12:00-1:00 Lunch Provided
    2:00-5:00 Dr. Carol Brown Practicing the Brown 6-9 N-Back Steps and Games Participants will demonstrate their ability to use the program.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Participants will learn cognitive training exercises in visual and auditory processing, working and long-term memory, attention, comprehension, executive functioning, logic, and reasoning. This will be the main focus. 
  • Participants will learn how building cognitive skills can prevent school violence.
  • Participants will learn the principles of the Mediated Learning Experience of Dr. Reuven Feuerstein
  • Participants will learn the efficient and deficient cognitive functions identified by Dr. Feuerstein at the input, output, and elaboration phase of learning.
  • Participants will learn how whole person wellness relates to cognitive function and how mind and body health effect brain development.
  • Participants will learn seven primitive reflexes, the symptoms associated with each, how to assess, and how to integrate.
  • Participants will learn how to assess the visual, auditory, vestibular, and cognitive systems and which interventions to use.
  • Participants will learn classroom connection guidelines for math, spelling, vocabulary, reading, history, science, and writing using Equipping Minds.
  • Participants will understand the mind of the struggling learner.
  • Participants will learn how to use the Equipping Minds Cognitive Curriculum workbook and the ROSES program.
  • Participants will learn Aristotle’s Ten Categories of Being and how to implement into therapy and the classroom setting to increase comprehension and social and emotional learning.
  • Participants will learn the benefits of rehabilitating the auditory system with Sound Therapy.
  • Participants will learn trauma-informed strategies and interventions.


*The Level 2 Certification class is open to all who are already registered for or have completed Level 1. A certificate of attendance will be provided for all participants who attend all sessions for CEU and PD Credits.

Objectives, Learning Outcomes, and Sessions for Level 2 April 16-18 You will be with Level 1 participants on April 16.
  • Participants will learn the underlying cognitive skills needed in academics, the goals for an IEP or SEP, and the EM exercises to use.
  • Participants will learn advanced and modified cognitive training exercises in visual and auditory processing, working and long-term memory, attention, comprehension, executive functioning, logic, and reasoning. This will be the main focus. 
  • Participants will learn how to conduct and evaluation/dynamic assessment.
  • Participants will learn how to write recommendations and understand psychological testing.
  • Participants will learn how whole person wellness relates to cognitive function and how mind and body health effect brain development.
  • Participants will learn seven primitive reflexes, the symptoms associated with each, how to assess, and how to integrate.
  • Participants will learn how to assess the visual, auditory, vestibular, and cognitive systems and which interventions to use.
  • Participants will learn advanced classroom connection guidelines for math, spelling, vocabulary, reading, history, science, and writing using Equipping Minds.
  • Participants will learn study skills which implement EM principles.
  • Participants will learn how to develop their learning center.
  • Participants will learn how to implement in the classroom with large and small groups.
  • Participants will learn how EM is being implemented with adult learners with cognitive impairments.
  • Participants will learn the benefits of rehabilitating the auditory system with Sound Therapy.
  • Participants will learn trauma-informed strategies and interventions.

See the conference hosts & guest presenters


Additional information


Level 1, Level 2, Both

Have the 2018 curriculum?

Yes, I own it, No, I need it


Frankfort, Kentucky, Raleigh, North Carolina, Online


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