Dr. Carol Brown’s Equipping Minds Workshop includes references to these researchers and tools. Parents, teachers and therapists can use these resources for further reading and research. To know which therapies to use, please consult with Carol Brown.
You can read Dr.Brown’s doctoral dissertation by clicking on the link below:
Equipping Minds Applying A Biblically Based Curriculum for Improving Working Memory
Equipping Aging Minds LivingWell50+JanuaryFebruary2015
Leading Experts
- Amen Clinics, Dr. Daniel Amen
- Feuerstein Institute
- Levinson Medical Center, Dyslexia Online
- Sound Therapy International
- SPED homeschool
Books on Cognitive Development
Beyond Smarter: Mediated Learning and the Brain’s Capacity for Change by Reuven Feuerstein, Rafael S. Feuerstein and Louis H. Falik
The Connected Child: Bring hope and healing to your adoptive family by Karyn B. Purvis
Human Development: Equipping Minds with Cognitive Curriculum by Carol T. Brown & Joav Merrick
Mozart’s Brain and the Fighter Pilot: Unleashing Your Brain’s Potential by Richard Restak
Neuroscience and Christian Formation edited by Mark Maddix: Dr.Carol T.Brown contributing author
Our FAScinating Journey: Keys to Brain Potential Along the Path of Prenatal Brain Injury by Jodee Kulp
Reflexes, Learning And Behavior: A Window into the Child’s Mind : A Non-Invasive Approach to Solving Learning & Behavior Problems by Sally Goddard
Smart but Feeling Dumb by Harold Levinson.
The Seven Laws of Teaching by John Milton Gregory
A Think-Aloud and Talk-Aloud Approach to Building Language by Reuven Feuerstein, Louis H. Falik, Refael Feuerstein and Krisztina Bohacs
Think Smart by Richard Restak
What Learning Looks Like: Mediated Learning in Theory and Practice, K-6 by Reuven Feuerstein and Ann Lewin-Benham
The Working Memory Advantage: Train Your Brain to Function Stronger, Smarter, Faster by Tracy Alloway and Ross Alloway