Evaluation and Consultation

We welcome you to Equipping Minds. Our cognitive development curriculum improves processing, attention, working memory, long term memory, comprehension, executive functioning, social skills, language processing, and critical thinking.

Please contact Carol Brown via email, phone or form for an evaluation or phone consultation. Evaluations can be in person in Frankfort  or via Zoom from anywhere in the U.S. and the world. Evaluations are $150.

There is no charge for an initial phone or Zoom consult. Please complete the intake form and learning screening as these are very helpful to have for a productive phone consultation. You are encouraged to visit the Equipping Minds youtube channel to watch some of the complementary workshops. I look forward to talking with you.

Dr. Carol Brown


"*" indicates required fields

Student Name*


The forms below help us in the consultation and evaluation. Please complete the intake questionnaire and checklist below and email them to Dr. Brown at cbrown@equippingminds.com. You can complete these for your child and adults can complete themselves with assistance if needed. 

ROSES Learning Screening (pdf)
ROSES Learning Screening (docx)

ROSES – Intake Questionnaire (pdf)
ROSES – Intake Questionnaire (docx)