(B) Step 6

Step Directions: Next, sort the deck by shapes. Place a card with one of each shape and say “Star on Star.” Blink Cognitive Skills: Visual Processing Working Memory Attention Long-Term Memory Logic and...

(B) Step 7

Step Directions: Place the cards down one at a time, and alternate by saying the number of the first card, the color of the second card, and the shape of the third card. Continue this pattern with the entire deck.  Blink Cognitive Skills: Visual Processing Working...

(B) Step 8

Step Directions: Play the game by placing 2 cards in the discard pile. Each player begins with 3 cards. Take turns matching either the same number, color, or shape. You will say, “red on red” or “three on three” or “star on star.”...

(B) Step 9

Step Directions: Take one card and say all 3 qualities “two red stars.” Blink Cognitive Skills: Visual Processing Working Memory Attention Long-Term Memory Logic and...

(B) Step 10

Step Directions: Sort by number (row 1), color (row 2), and shape (row 3). The student will place the number in row 1 & say “two on two,” place the color in row 2 & say “blue on blue,” and place the shape in row 3 & say “moon...