(S) Step 5

Step Directions: Choose the correct card to complete the SET. Show the student 2 cards and have 3 options below. The student will chose the correct card to complete the SET. Set Cognitive Skills visual processing working memory attention logic and...

(S) Step 6

Step Directions: YES or NO- Is it a SET. Show 3 cards and ask if it is a SET. The student will answer yes or no. Set Cognitive Skills visual processing working memory attention logic and...

(S) Step 7

Step Directions: Model find a SET with 9 solids down. Talk through how you will be looking for a SET. This mediation is crucial. I am looking at my colors….. What number do you see a lot of? What shop do you see a lot of. Set Cognitive Skills visual processing...

(S) Step 8

Step Directions: Put 9 solids down. You will help the student by identifying 2 cards and having them think about the next card. Set Cognitive Skills visual processing working memory attention logic and...

(S) Step 9

Step Directions: Put 9 solids down. Set Cognitive Skills visual processing working memory attention logic and...