Implementing Equipping Minds in the Classroom Workshop Online Course



Equipping Minds in the Classroom around the world. Learn how to develop the cognitive skills FOR learning. 

You can watch the course year-round. Equipping Minds trains educators, therapists, parents, and other specialists in our multidisciplinary approach, which increases anyone’s capacity to learn. We will focus on implementing Equipping Minds during the school day in small and large group settings and look at individual implementation.

Registration Includes the  Equipping Minds Cognitive Development Curriculum (teacher workbook),  Equipping Minds in the Classroom Videos, and two training days!  If you don’t have the Equipping Minds cards, you must purchase them, and I also recommend the EM Cards Course. You may want to order student workbooks as well. Talk to Dr. Brown about special pricing for five or more student workbooks. If you are attending virtually, please have the Equipping Minds cards, unifix cubes, Yo Millard Fillmore, SET, Spot it Gone Camping or Spot it Animals, and Blink. If you are attending in person, Dr. Brown will have materials to use during the training. 

You will learn exercises and games to increase students’ processing, attention, working memory, executive functioning, comprehension, thinking, and social skills. These are the foundational skills for reading, math, writing, science, and work skills.

Equipping Minds is used with learners of all ages and abilities, including Autism Spectrum, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Gifted, Learning Challenges, ADD/ADHD, Traumatic Brain Injury, Memory, Comprehension, Down Syndrome, Processing Disorders, Dementia, Executive Functioning, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Communication Disorders, and Neurodevelopment Disorders.

Overview of the Sessions:
The Research behind Equipping Minds Holistic Approach to Cognitive Development   
Participants will learn that the brain can change, as the latest research on neuroplasticity has proven. Dr. Brown’s research and case studies will be examined. Learn how Equipping Minds strengthens cognitive skills to improve behavior and prevent school violence. Dr. Brown’s recent chapter in School Violence and Primary Prevention will be discussed.

Equipping Minds Sessions, Curriculum Overview, Classroom Materials, and IEP Goals: You will see actual lesson plans that schools have used, as well as classroom videos. Dr. Brown will walk participants through how to implement the curriculum in the school day throughout the two-day training.IEP goals and interventions will be examined.

Learn the Key Cognitive Exercises for Learning to Improve Processing, Working Memory, Reasoning, Executive Functioning, Attention, and Language: Participants will learn the foundational exercises for developing cognitive skills and where to put them into your day.

Exercises for the Brown 6-9 N Back to Develop Executive Functioning Dr. Carol Brown developed an adaptive N-back with nine tasks, the “Brown Six-Nine N-Back,” in which learners were asked to associate animals, letters, vowels, numbers, presidents, and sounds with symbols and colors and identify directions of left, right, up, and down.

Foundations for Intelligent Thinking with Aristotle’s Ten Categories to Develop Comprehension and Critical Thinking  Learn the ten categories and how to use Socratic questioning to develop comprehension and critical thinking.

Accessing and Integrating Primitive Reflexes, Visual Processing, and Auditory Processing Participants will learn seven primitive reflexes, the symptoms associated with each, and how to integrate. Learn the reflex exercises to do in recess, gym class, and the classroom.

Equipping Minds through Trauma-Informed Lenses and Interventions Participants will learn how trauma and stress impact behavior, social skills, communication, and learning. We will also examine how EM impacts these areas.

Classroom Connections to Impact Reading, Math, Writing, Comprehension, Spelling, History, and Science. Understand the cognitive skills needed for each subject and how to use Equipping Minds in those classes. Learn how schools are implementing Equipping Minds in all subjects throughout the day.

Practicing the Equipping Minds Games,  Dr. Brown will demonstrate how to implement it in the school day as you practice the games you have learned. The lesson plans for the 30 hours of intervention in the Equipping Minds research study will also be discussed.

Integrating the Equipping Minds Cognitive Development Curriculum in the Classroom, Small Group, Learning Center, After-School Program, and Home School settings.

*A certificate of attendance will be provided for all participants who attend for PD and CEU credits.

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